Introduction to Accreditation for Consultants
LCS accreditation adds value to a consultant's continuous improvement training offering and can help it maintain competitive advantage.
A consultant with a CI training capability can become an Accredited Certifier of Lean Competency enabling it to issue LCS Certificates of Lean Competency to learners who progress through its training. It’s a valuable addition to the consultant’s service, as building its client's staff CI capability is critical in the journey to developing a sustainable CI culture.
Click on the links in the menu to find out more about benefits, fees and applying.
"Our clients see the value in our approach being accredited by the LCS which gives us credibility in the marketplace that many of our competitors currently cannot match."
Accredited consultant
"We generally see at least a 5:1 return on investment for our [LCS] certification only clients and when linked with value stream or transformational improvement this can exceed 10:1."
Accredited consultant
Download the brochure 'Accreditation for Consultants'
Standard and SME accreditation.
There are two types of accreditation, Standard and SME, which allows consultants of all sizes to become LCS accredited.
Standard accreditation suits medium and large firms, while SME accreditation suits micro or small firms and start-ups. The main difference between the two is that with SME accreditation there is a lower up front cost, knowledge tests are administered centrally by the LCS and a fee is charged for each assessment/certification.
The LCS qualifications framework
The LCS qualification framework has seven levels of lean competency, which can cover all roles in an organisation. LCS competency has two dimensions: knowledge and application, both of which have to be covered in accredited training programme assessments.
Click below for more about the LCS framework.