Become Level 2 Certified: Introduction
Section Contents
This section contains information about Level 2 APLE Certification , covering suitability, the certification process, fees and how to apply. There are also several resources and guides. Click in the section contents box to the right to access specific topics.
Overall Proposition
Experienced lean practitioners can become LCS Certified at Level 2 through the Approved Prior Learning and Experience (APLE) route.
This is designed for those with Level 2a certification looking to progress to Level 2b and for experienced managers with few or no formal CI qualifications or recognition of their credentials, but who have a track record of successful CI implementations and an in-depth knowledge of lean thinking principles and techniques gained through implementation experience in roles in employment.
Click Download for the Level 2 Certification PDF brochure.
Approved Prior Learning & Experience
Certification through the APLE route involves applicants demonstrating their Level 2 competence which has been gained from their roles in employment. Evidence is provided in an application form, which details achievements, knowledge and experience gained through CI roles and lists CI related qualifications. It is supported by two case studies providing evidence of strategic and leadership experience and capability.
An applicant may have gained knowledge from:
- Formal learning – gained from training by an educational institution or training company, which may have been assessed or certified.
- Experiential learning – gained through other activities, including casual courses, self-directed on-the-job study, implementations or through other pursuits. start-up training company that has not yet established itself.
An applicant may have gained practical capability from:
- Work undertaken while employed in a CI related role in an organisation.
- Projects undertaken for clients as a CI consultant.
- Ad hoc CI related projects or initiatives while employed in a general management role in an organisation.