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6. Questionnaire Link


Sign In

Sign in as a Guest or Practitioner member before you start the form, allowing drafts to be saved. Click the Login link in the Account menu. If you are already logged in, My Profile will be in the account menu.

Not a member? Click the Register link in the Account menu and then click the Sign up button in the Guest or Standard Practitioner boxes.

Refer to the menu on the right to access guides and templates.

TIP: Bookmark this webpage so you can return to it easily to edit a draft or submitted form.

Access the Re-accreditation Questionnaire

Click Questionnaire to access the questionnaire.


You can pause working on the form and save it as a draft and return to complete it at later time. A Save draft button is at the foot of each page. Don’t click the Submit button at the end of the form if you are still at draft stage. To leave the form, simply sign out and close the page/browser.

Editing a Draft

Click Edit draft to return to a questionnaire you have already started, but not submitted. Make sure you are logged in.

Edit draft

Editing a Submitted Questionnaire

Click Edit submitted to edit a questionnaire you have already submitted. Make sure you are logged in.

Edit submitted

TIP: If you cannot find your saved form, try pressing Function + F5 which will reload/refresh the document window or page. .