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Website Privacy Policy

Visit the website privacy policy page for details.

Setting Privacy Levels for Your Account

There are various options to choose from that provide flexibility; you can:

  • Be listed in the members' directory (yes or no).<
  • Be listed in member search  (yes or no).
  • Allow members to send you a friend request (yes or no).
  • Hide your last active time (yes or no). Hiding last active time will affect your visibility in the directory and other places.
  • Choose who can see your profile (everyone or logged in users or only you).


  1. Make sure you are logged in via the Sign in (shown in the top right corner when not logged in).
  2. When logged in, click My Profile (shown in the top right corner when logged in)
  3. On the resulting webpage, click the Settings tab.
  4. When the Setting tab has been selected (it will turn dark blue) click the Profile Privacy sub menu option just below it.
  5. On the resulting page, make the profile privacy setting changes that you desire and then click the Save button when complete.