GuideWell Impact Awards
Cultural Transformation & Process Improvement
Cultural transformation & Process Improvement

1 January, 1970
GuideWell has undergone a massive Lean cultural transformation over the course of the last 3.5 years, that has saved millions to its members and providers, thanks to the leadership of Service Center and Enterprise Shared Service Vice-President, Gregory Szkotnicki, and Program and Community Developer, Sr. Director, Eduardo Curros, with the sponsorship and support of President & Chief Executive Officer, GuideWell and Florida Blue: Pat Geraghty and Executive Vice President, Medicare & Chief Innovation and Experience Officer: Camille Harrison.
This year alone the community has expanded by over 900 members and the program has added 4 instructors, 19 Black Belts, 30+ Brown Belt Coaches, 100 Operational Excellence Green Belts and 200+ Continuous Improvement Green Belts. With current totals of over 2,300 members, across 100 teams and growing in all 50 states and Puerto Rico; in addition to multiple GuideWell entities such as Triple-S, Florida HealthCare Plans, Diagnostic Clinic Medical Group, Emcara, and WebTPA.
Of the 2,300 members, over 700 members have a Continuous Improvement Green Belt, 250+ with Operational Excellence Green Belt, 65+ Internal Brown Belt Coaches, and 38 Black Belts, and 5 instructors. In addition to the internal benefits, the program has done external community integration with the University of North Florida Master’s in Health Administration Program and the Jacksonville Humane Society. Team Recognition: Lean Team and Engagement Team saved millions in Cost Aversion (Soft Savings) and Cost Aversion Crystallization (Hard Savings).
Individual Award Highlights: Eduardo Curros: Lead the Black Belt Program, certified four new instructors and the certification of 38 new internal coaches. Each of the Lean Program Team: David Maltese, Maria Baar and Reba Phillips: Completed: Instructorship, Black, and Coaching Brown Belts and Certified a minimum of 40+ Green Belts. Ernest Patterson: Completed: Instructorship, Black, and Coaching Brown Belts and Certified a minimum of 15+ Green Belts and spearheaded multiple large-scale engagements.

Seven Impact Awards
It is our pleasure to announce that GuideWell has been awarded Seven Lean Competency Systems Impact Awards.
- Corporate Level Award: GuideWell
- Team Level Award: Lean Program and Engagement Team
- Program Creator, Sr. Director, and Instructor: Eduardo Curros
- Engagement Team Sr. Manager and Instructor: Ernest Patterson
- Lean Program Team Lead and Instructor: David Maltese
- Lean Instructor: Maria Baar
- Lean Instructor: Reba Phillips
- Engagement Specialist: Ashley Butts
- Engagement Specialist: Paulette Kellawon
- Engagement Specialist: David Goldfield
- Engagement Specialist: John Charwinsky
- Individual Awards:
- Program Creator, Sr. Director, and Instructor: Eduardo Curros
- Engagement Team Sr. Manager and Instructor: Ernest Patterson
- Lean Program Team Lead and Instructor: David Maltese
- Lean Instructor: Maria Baar
- Lean Instructor: Reba Phillips