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So, you are invested in continuous improvement – but how do you keep yourself accountable?

So, you are invested in continuous improvement – but how do you keep yourself accountable?

“Without continuous personal development, you are now all that you will ever become.”

Those of us familiar with lean are inherently inclined to look for methods of continuous improvement, but how often do we follow a structured approach of improvement when it comes to enhancing our own personal skills and proficiency?

You could argue that the way in which we approach our own personal development is in need of some improvement.

Improving ourselves professionally requires putting time aside to identify areas of growth, setting personal goals, establishing a plan of how to achieve them, following that plan and then reviewing how the process went – all of which takes great planning and self-discipline.

So how do you keep yourself accountable when it comes to personal continuous improvement?

Introducing the world’s first online lean CPD platform

The good news is, we know how difficult all the above is without a facility in place to offer structure and accountability. That’s why we’ve created the world’s first online continuing professional development platform for the lean community.

Whilst still a self-directed process, the LCS CPD platform offers an easy-to-use and accessible online facility to structure your personal development process.

  • You create your A3 plan – your roadmap to personal improvement.
  • You set your own personal goals for your development cycle
  • You log the activities completed in order to achieve those goals.

The LCS then simply provides feedback and comments along the way, then endorses your plan once it is complete.

We provide the tool, we help keep you accountable, but you take ownership of enhancing your personal development.

Why is it effective?

LCS CPD’s effectiveness stems from its ability to steer you down a path of self-reflection, encouraging you to think proactively about your abilities and skills in a professional environment. We trialled the LCS CPD platform with an existing member of the LCS community- a senior consultant and continuous improvement manager-to see how effective it could be. He successfully completed his 12-month plan which was subsequently endorsed by the LCS. During his review process, he provided us with some feedback:

“LCS CPD supports inward reflection and self-review. To continuously improve, we must all reflect on where things could have gone better and CPD supports that in a structured way. Learning from mistakes is how the best practitioners develop and LCS CPD provides the space in which to do this.

“I received just the right amount of support and input, without constant checking and pressure to complete tasks. The ongoing support has been superb and has allowed me to have input when I can, without the pressure to update every day.”

What else do I gain from signing up to LCS CPD?

As well as offering a vehicle for personal development and self-improvement, there are a number of additional benefits to be gained from signing up to LCS CPD. Some of these include:

  • Indicating to the wider lean community that you’re staying up to date with the latest lean thinking and practice.
  • Providing reassurance that your competence is being continuously improved as a result of learning and practising activities.
  • Gaining a tangible achievement to display on your digital credentials profile in the form of a digital badge and CPD certificate (once your plan has been endorsed).

Want to start your road to continuous improvement? Here’s how:

Sign up to LCS CPD

LCS CPD is for lean or continuous improvement practitioners with an LCS qualification – so as long as you have an LCS Certificate, you are eligible to sign up!

At present, those registering for CPD need to be a Premium Practitioner Member. You can find out more about how to sign up to the LCS Premium Practitioner Membership, and how to enrol onto CPD, using the link below.


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