Adding Levels to an Existing Accreditation
This page is for existing accredited organisations that want to increase the number of levels to which they are accredited.
You can increase the number of levels to which your training programme or system is accredited at any point in your two year licence period at no cost. You provide evidence of your capability to deliver at the new levels(s) via the Levels Extension Application Form. For Levels 1 and 2, the information provided will include course names, learning outcomes, topics covered, assessment, delivery and staffing. For Level 3, the evidence consists of the advisory approach to be used and the credentials of the advisory staff.
Once the application is accepted, your shared LCS Accreditation Folder in SharePoint will be updated with the new information, including a copy of this form and any new documents you supply.
Link to Levels Extension Application Form
You should be signed in as a Guest or Practitioner member before you start completing it, which will enable you to save drafts and edit before submission. If you are not registered as a Guest or Practitioner, you can do so by clicking Account, then click Register in the drop down menu and then click on the LCS Guest Membership link.
If you are already a member, simply click on the Account link. If you are already logged in, My Profile will appear in drop down menu (when viewing on a desktop computer).
Edit your form
To go back to your saved draft form, sign in, navigate back to this page and click here >>>.