The Anatomy of the LCS Personal Certificate
The LCS Certificate of Lean Competency is issued by accredited organisations to those people it trains.
Organisations with Standard Accreditation are provided with an A4 PDF template, to which their logo and authorising signature details are added. There are some variants of the standard template:
- There is a version for Level 1a certificates, where the ‘demonstration’ words are “Has Demonstrated Competence in Lean Thinking Knowledge”.
- There is a version with two authorising signatures.
- There is a version with two accredited organisation logos.
Organisations with SME Accreditation have a similar template, though it is held centrally by the LCS, as the LCS issues the certificates.
The authorising signature is usually embedded in the template or the area can be left blank, allowing for a wet signature to be added for each certificate produced.
The certificate design shown below is the global standard for LCS Certificates of Lean Competency.
See the guidance for using belt colours after the LCS level number on certificates.
LCS certificate production guide 2110