The LCS & Coping with Coronavirus
9th April 2020
Working as normal.
The LCS team will be working as normal on accreditation and certification activities during the current crisis, albeit from home rather than in the office.
Accreditation flexibility.
With the suspension of face to face training, there is less of an immediate need for organisations to accredit, unless they are delivering training online. However, for those organisations thinking of accrediting for the first time, they can still can complete the accrediting process and the LCS will not invoice until the time when business activity is back to normal.
This has the advantage of the organisation being able to promote its accredited status after sign off, use the current lull productively and have accreditation already in place when demand for training resumes.
For those organisations due to re-accredit over the next few months, the LCS is available to continue with the process to ensure continuity, though it will not send an invoice for the accreditation fee if the organisation has ceased training activity. This will be sent once normality resumes.
Over the coming months the LCS will look for ways to assist practitioners and accredited organisations cope with crisis – through topical articles, useful tips, information sharing and collaboration initiatives.