Lean Research Themes Survey
5th December 2017
An invitation to complete a short questionnaire on lean research themes
This survey aims to gain feedback on potential themes and topics that could form part of a research programme that explores the nature and application of lean thinking and related schools of thought. As the research will have a practical focus, it is considered important to elicit the views of practitioners working in organisations committed to applying lean thinking.
Who Should Complete It
- Lean or continuous practitioners working in all types of organisations
- Managers in operational, planning, HRM or training & education roles
- Researchers with an interest in lean thinking and related areas
A short on line questionnaire that asks about the relevance of some key research themes and topics to current business issues and challenges, and also asks for views on how some current issues could impact an organisation’s lean endeavours. It should take about 5 minutes to complete. Data is collected anonymously and no personal information is obtained,
Data will be collected in December 2017 and January 2018. Results should be available from March 2018
Results Dissemination
The results will be reported on the LCS website and communicated through LCS communication channels