South Tees Hospitals Foundation Trust - ICT Project Manager
Member since: June 2022
LCS Qualifications
This section displays the member's verified LCS Certificates of Lean Competency. Click on LCS level explained for an explanation of the level and what its holder is expected to know and be able do.
This section contains background information about the member, including employment history and general education. The Biography box provides a personal summary - for example, the member's key attributes that have emerged from employment and education to date and key interests, skills and achievements.
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1a Lean Awareness
Awareness and a basic understanding of lean thinking principles and underlying CI concepts and an ability to appreciate and articulate fundamental lean ideas.
Knowledge of lean diagnostic, analytical and planning techniques and the ability to use them in the workplace to understand customer/stakeholder value, the current state, solve problems and propose future states.
Purpose, customer/stakeholder value identification & understanding
Mapping techniques
Quality approaches
Problem solving techniques
Basic data gathering/statistical techniques
Planning & communication techniques
Demand and capacity analysis & understanding techniques
Knowledge, understanding and application of lean improvement and implementation techniques and the ability to actively develop and participate in improvement activities in the workplace.