100 LCS Accredited Organisations!
9th December 2019
Milestone Reached…
December has seen a milestone reached by the LCS, with the Metropolitan Police – London’s police service – becoming its 100th directly accredited customer, though of course, the number of organisations using the LCS is much higher, due to the work of accredited consultancies around the globe.
Director’s Reflections
Reflecting on the achievement, LCS Director Simon Elias commented, “this reassures us that the LCS continues to add value for its customers and it’s heartening to know we are helping them implement lean thinking to improve their effectiveness and achievement of purpose. It’s not an easy task to introduce CI in an organisation, let alone sustain it and build a CI culture, so managers need to call upon a wide array of props to aid them in their efforts – and the LCS is just one of these.”
Success Factors
As for the reasons behind the success, according to Simon it’s not due to the execution of a clever, predefined strategy, but rather “being in the right place at the right time, and regularly adapting the proposition after sensing market changes and assimilating underlying customer needs. Undoubtedly, the LCS’s unique, highly flexible, ‘disruptor’ accreditation model and its agnostic and holistic position on lean thinking are root causes of its popularity, plus of course because the original concept was based on sound thinking and research by its creators at the Lean Enterprise Research Centre.”