The Lean Learner T-Shirt Series Offer
3rd March 2021
To celebrate the launch of LCS Continuing Professional Development we are introducing the exclusive Lean Learner T-Shirt Series and offering new sign ups a free t-shirt when they start their CPD cycle!
- Impress your colleagues with your wisdom!
- Guaranteed to lead to intelligent conversations at parties!
- Signal to commitment to ongoing learning and path to guru status!
We are excited to introduce a new range of t-shirts developed by the LCS team, with a free t-shirt presented to those CPD registered with an A3 plan in place. Our collection is a perfect complement for those starting their CPD journey with us and features three quotes from some interesting historical thinkers – namely Gandhi, Michelangelo and former US President Harry Truman.
LCS Continuing Professional Development
The LCS CPD platform offers an easy-to-use and accessible online facility to structure your personal development process:
- You create an A3 plan – your roadmap to personal improvement – containing personal goals for your development cycle.
- You log activities you undertake to achieve your goals.
- You periodically self assess your progress,
- The LCS provides feedback, approves plans and endorses progress.
For more information and to register, click here >>>.