CPD Pilot Project
27th July 2017
The LCS has started piloting its new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) offering in order to gauge users reaction to the overall proposition, as well as test the detailed processes involved. Details of LCS CPD can be found on the CPD webpages.
Radical & Innovative Approach
The approach that has been developed represents a radical departure from the traditional CPD method used by many professions, primarily due to the use of the Plan-Do-Check-Act model as the guiding framework, which places great emphasis on developing practical capability, as well as knowledge enhancement and communication skills development. Another innovative aspect is that the process itself aims to engender lean oriented habits through the rigour of the PDCA cycle.
Roll Out
The initial model is likely to be adjusted on the basis of feedback and operational experience and then rolled out to a broader audience once it is stable. If you wish to be part of the roll out, then complete an expression of interest form (below).
Expressions of Interest
Should you wish to be informed when the roll out is extended and consider participating, compete and submit the expression of interest form and we’ll get in touch.