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Continuing Professional Development

February 2021 We’re pleased to announce the launch of our brand new Continuous Professional Development (CPD) facility for LCS practitioners. You now have an opportunity to track and document the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work. Registering for LCS CPD will make sure you not only identify your...

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The Lean Learner T-Shirt Series Offer

3rd March 2021

To celebrate the launch of LCS Continuing Professional Development we are introducing the exclusive Lean Learner T-Shirt Series and offering new sign ups a free t-shirt when they start their CPD cycle! Impress your colleagues with your wisdom! Guaranteed to lead to intelligent conversations at parties! Signal to commitment to...

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CPD Pilot Project

27th July 2017

The LCS has started piloting its new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) offering in order to gauge users reaction to the overall proposition, as well as test the detailed processes involved. Details of LCS CPD can be found on the CPD webpages. Radical & Innovative Approach The approach that has been...

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Continuing Professional Development for LCS

9th March 2017

The LCS is developing a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) component to complement the existing qualifications framework and is inviting members of the lean community to comment on the proposition being developed. The feedback will help inform the development process, as it moves to prototype testing later in the year. How to Provide Feedback...

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Continuing Professional Development in CI

27th April 2016

The LCS will be delivering a workshop on Continuing Professional Development in continuous improvement at the Lean Management Journal OpEx Conference (11th and 12th May, London). This workshop will explore the challenges in sustaining transformations and in particular ensuring that practitioners have the right knowledge, that it is kept up...

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Want to Contribute an Article to the Community?

Community members are welcome to post an article on any lean related topic. Go the the Article Submission Page and add your article.

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Recent Contributors

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Emily Lloyd-Murray
Administrative Assistant
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Iraklis Lampadariou
Continuous Improvement Learning Content Designer at HMRC & Director of Speak Greek
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John Homewood
LCS Manager - Membership Services & Development
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Simon Elias
Former Director, Lean Competency System (until Oct 2023)