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4. Application for Accreditation

Accreditation for Consultants

Applying for Accreditation

Stage 1: Complete a Registration Form

When you are ready to commit to the accrediting process, complete and return a Registration Form. This gets your application 'in the system' and collects contact and administrative information. Note that it is not a legally binding document.


Stage 2: Complete a Submission Form

Click on Submission to complete an online Accreditation Submission Form and to access a range of resources and guides about the process.

The submission describes the key components of the training programme or system, including the background, courses, topics, assessments, management and support. This is evaluated by the LCS to ensure that it is aligned effectively with the LCS framework and has the capability to deliver effective learning and practical capability over the two-year licence period.


Key points about the application

  • You can accredit to any number of LCS levels - for example, just to Level 1a or to Levels 1a, 1b and 1c
  • You can add levels at any point during your accreditation period at no charge
  • You can increase the number of certificates issued during your accreditation period
  • The LCS provides submission feedback via a Progress Checklist

Application Stages & Timing

The first-time accreditation process typically takes between one and three months to complete, from Registration Form receipt to Sign Off meeting completion

The stages are as follows:

  1. Planning; can include a gap analysis and timetable (applicant)
  2. Registration form submitted (applicant)
  3. Portfolio assembled and submitted (applicant)
  4. Review and feedback (LCS/applicant)
  5. Final submission (applicant)
  6. Sign off meeting (LCS/applicant)
  7. Welcome pack sent (LCS)