Planning, Logging Activities & Assessing Progress
The Three Elements
There are three key elements used to plan, log and assess CPD activity – the A3 Plan, the Activity Log and the Progress Check Record. The A3 maps out your CPD plan for the cycle, your ongoing CPD activities are recorded in the Activity Log and the Progress Check Record captures your periodic and end of cycle self assessments.
100% Web Based
LCS CPD uses its unique web based facility and all your CPD elements are accessed via your LCS personal profile. Only you (and LCS CPD assessors) have access to your information.
The A3 Plan
Your CPD A3 plan focuses on your intentions for practicing, learning and communicating. For each of these elements, you state:
- Your current state of professional development
- The gaps in your competency
- The targets for competency improvement, or countermeasures
- Your action plan
An example A3 plan - shown in full page PDF format
The plan is designed to fit on one side of A3 paper (if printed) and needs to be written succinctly. There are support and help facilities, with guidance in the CPD Handbook and specific guides.
Activity Log
Activities are recorded in your CPD Activity Log and for each you describe what you did, note the learnings gained and future actions you will take. Each activity links to a specific countermeasure in your A3 plan and so contributes to the evidence case for when you assess the degree to which this has been achieved.
You decide which of your ongoing activities should be recorded in your Activity Log as counting towards your professional development. The activity could be consciously planned as a development activity (eg a course you take) or it could be an activity that, with reflection, you realise had positive development benefits (eg unexpected consequences of a project).
Updating your log should take place frequently, preferably as soon as possible after the CPD activity has taken place. This ensures your recollection of the activity is fresh and accurate.
Progress Check Record
Review Points & Process
The CPD system is built around four monthly self assessment checkpoint reviews of your progress towards your goals, with the third review marking the end of the cycle and the start of another. However, you can choose to undertake progress reviews on a more or less frequent basis. The review process uses the Progress Check Record.
The progress check record references the countermeasures in your A3 plan and you indicate the degree to which you have achieved each. The activities you have undertaken that relate to each countermeasure are automatically listed. An LCS assessor reviews your assessment and providing it is acceptable, endorses it. If it is not endorsed, comments and suggestions for improvement are made.
Criteria for Acceptance
The LCS CPD review process does not set quantified targets for CPD activities - for example, a certain number of learning hours undertaken, or conferences attended, or projects implemented.
Rather, it focuses on the evidence of a robust CPD plan that sets realistic and relevant goals and on evidence provided that corroborates and supports the practitioner's self assessment of progress and achievement.